I was screaming and crying … I didn’t want to go,” remembers Holocaust survivor Josie Traum about the day strangers came to ...
With false French papers, Rose-Helene Spreiregen, age 12, and her grandmother fled German-occupied Paris on an overnight train. “Make believe you are sleeping. I will take care of it,” Rose-Helene ...
This 1,100-square-foot traveling exhibition is based on the exhibition that opened in 2018 at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. The Americans and the Holocaust traveling ...
This video provides an overview of the Holocaust, Days of Remembrance, and why we as a nation remember this history. Transcript Estelle Laughlin, Holocaust Survivor: Memory is what shapes us. Memory ...
After I survived the Holocaust in Poland, my mother, father, sister, and I moved to England, where we were generously accepted as we tried to move past the terrible years of World War II. We were ...
The Founders Society recognizes our most generous donors who have made the exceptional cumulative commitment of $1 million or more. The Museum is profoundly grateful for their support, which ensures ...
My best remembered early days were unfortunately my years in Nazi Germany. When I was born, some years before Hitler came to power, my family was quite comfortable. They had a successful business, a ...
Non, rien de rien, Non, je ne regrette rien. (No, nothing at all, No, I do not regret anything.) —Édith Piaf There have been many moments in my adult life when I have had to make a decision. Sometimes ...
The Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide released a report in January 2025, “Eight Years On, China’s Repression of the Uyghurs Remains Dire: How China’s Policies in the Uyghur Region ...
The Levine Institute is the world’s preeminent institution for promoting quality Holocaust education. As part of our nation’s official memorial to the Holocaust, the Levine Institute’s educational ...
At this free, virtual conference, discover the latest practices in accurate, meaningful teaching about the Holocaust with leading historians and educators. Bring the Museum's collection into your ...