Für viele im Exil lebende Syrer*innen beginnt das neue Jahr voller Zuversicht. Nach Jahrzehnten der Tyrannei ist das Assad-Regime gestürzt, das Land steht vor einem Neuanfang. Aus diesem Anlass lädt d ...
هنا يمكنك العثور على آخر المستجدات حول السنة التحضيرية في مصر وكذلك التعرف على الحياة اليومية للدارسين بالسنة .التحضيرية من خلال أرائهم ...
In 1856, at the age of 18, the English chemist William Henry Perkin was looking for a synthetic substitute for quinine, whose anti-malarial effects were well documented. By mixing aniline, derived ...
The Goethe-Institut USA is Germany's offical cultural center with convenient and effective online German courses and internationally recognized language certificates. As the international market ...
The Goethe-Institut USA is Germany's offical cultural center with convenient and effective online German courses and internationally recognized language certificates. As the international market ...
Music accompanies us every day - it makes us happy, sad and brings back memories. What music do people in Germany listen to? When and where does it play a role in their everyday lives? Which bands and ...
Need help with your Goethe-Zertifikat A1 exam? Or just curious about what to expect? We'll share helpful tips and tricks to make your exam easier. Learn how to prepare, what to study, and how to do ...
시험 신청은 공지된 시작 일자의 오전 10시부터 종료 일자의 밤 12시까지 가능합니다. *) Goethe-Institut에서 6개월 이내에 독일어 강좌를 수강한 이력이 있는 경우, 수강생 할인 가격이 적용됩니다.
Vor vielen Jahren lebte ein Kaiser, der so ungeheuer viel auf neue Kleider hielt, dass er all sein Geld dafür ausgab, um recht geputzt zu sein. Er kümmerte sich nicht um seine Soldaten, kümmerte sich ...