"If one does not intimately understand ... one cannot successfully rehabilitate." Wildlife rehab center uses genius technique ...
The project will prove a lifesaver for wildlife, and the structure will help ensure the safety of the agency’s Kevin P.
Although there's a low risk of an avian flu outbreak among wild songbirds, it's advisable to keep feeders and birdbaths clean ...
As birds begin to migrate north for the Summer, there’s a lot of concern this season about the disease they may be ...
RHINELANDER, Wis. (WAOW) - Wild Instincts, a wildlife rehabilitation center, Is hard at work preparing for the bird flu.
Some states have wildlife rehabilitation centers staffed by a mix of government employees and volunteers, but not Louisiana.
"The mortality rate for birds of prey who have contracted HPAI (highly pathogenic Avian Influenza) is between 90-100%," ...
A wildlife rehabilitation centre in Val Caron, Ont. says it’s seen triple the number of injured and emaciated owls this ...
Think Wild, Central Oregon’s wildlife hospital and conservation center, said Wednesday it recently rescued and is caring for ...