Tribal leaders are coming together to denounce industrial trawlers. Native communities in Alaska face crisis as integral way ...
Scott Hed is one of those people, and he might be the most effective conservation advocate you’ve never heard of.
In the heat of debate over salmon farming, Alaska banned all finfish farming, except for a very narrow window for goldfish ...
Weirs are an essential tool for getting accurate counts of the state’s critical salmon runs. They can also create prime ...
Eastern Idaho and western Wyoming are hotspots for salmon shares from Bristol Bay, Alaska. Customers are increasingly buying ...
Climate change threatens many traditional foods in Alaska. But it’s also making farming more possible. A new training program aims to help Alaska Native communities grow more of their own food.
It’s the time of year again when children have returned to school and seemingly endless daylight gives way to shorter days ...
The farming of freshwater finfish, such as arctic char, sheefish, rainbow trout and even tilapia, in upland tanks or enclosed ...
Staff say the seals, released Thursday near Kenai, are in good health. Scientists hope to continue monitoring their lives in ...
Katie Spellman is a research associate professor with the International Arctic Research Center. She is an expert in Alaska’s ...
Some folks think the best way to travel is by private jet. Or yacht. My choice: by foot.
Many of the town's 1,500 residents are farmers, artisans and businesspeople working in trades forgotten by time ...