Popular movies merely build upon our ancient traditions, but the art and craft of cinema have made some uniquely iconic villains. Here are some of the greatest movie villains of all time.
Prescott believes villains are different today than they ... earn seven Oscar nominations and routinely showing up on top 100 movie lists. Clancy Brown’s depiction of the brutal Captain Byron ...
The American Film Institute celebrates 100 years of film by recognizing the top 50 film heroes and top 50 film villains of all time.
It's fair to say that moviegoers are predisposed to dislike most movie villains, because of course, the entire point is that they serve as a towering obstacle to the hero and their mission.
Who doesn’t want to watch the likable good guys take down some formidable, and often brutish, baddies? With that in mind, we’ve ranked the 25 best sports movie villains of all time.