The quest for round-the-clock renewable energy generation is being undertaken by many, and Aurea Technologies seems to have somewhat achieved this with its Shine 2.0 portable wind turbine.
This turbine uses three Magnus effect-driven cylinders ... including among hikers who carry a portable wind generator, and even among people with just a few pieces of scrap material.
The WaterLily Turbine is not just a compact power generator; it is more of a complete concept in portable electricity generation. Unlike solar panels that function well when no clouds or wind turbines ...
Transpower’s ‘flying clothesline’ wind turbine setup. Despite the claims made by Airloom, they’re not the first to have this idea, with Transpower in the 1980s making itself famous with ...
A Canadian company has created a turbine that makes green energy for your home using a river's perpetual flow. Idenergie's river turbine can create up to 12kWh per day — which is enough to power ...
A portable wind turbine that fits in your backpack? Yes please Humans have been harnessing the wind for centuries, but Shine is a radical departure from large-scale projects like windmills or wind ...
The O-Wind Turbine aims to capture inner-city wind and turn it into electricity in cities struggling to produce enough renewable energy for increasing populations. The portable, low-cost device ...